advertising c1a

 Wednesday 6th December 2023 

advertising and marketing 

Codes and conventions- the expected elements that will be included in products from particular media forms and genres.

Commercial advert-

The Best Print Ads of All Time - Canny Creative

main aims- advertising the product

how- the hashtag indicating to buy the product

C&C used- colour palette being red to match the product. the camera shot of the glass with clear viewing of the product.

Non commercial-

Main aims- emphasising the importance of reducing the amount of plastic ending up in the seas which leads to killing sea life. 

how- the clear title in bold white letters in the middle of the ad 'save our seas' 

C&C used- the camera shot being clear showing the sea looking clear with no plastic 

The product is likely to include=

-name of brand/product



-specific details of usp/product or service

Hard or soft sell

1-persuasive lang, imperative, repetition

2-facts and info, persuasive lang, alliteration

3-facts and info, wordplay

intertextuality- modern adverts often make references to other media products, perhaps from other media forms or genres, that audiences can identify.

Friday 8th December 2023

historical advertisements

Wednesday 13th December 2023  

1- they constructed gender by showing the focusses of what men and women are interested in about the car.

2- the car brand is being reflected

Historical advert set text  

context of quality street-

There characters were from the regency era. Miss sweetly and major quality

People had more money 

The image is taking up 2/3 of the page with text at the bottom 1/3. The colour of the purple text has the connotations of royalty, nobility, luxury. The text is wrote in different fonts. One being serif and another being sans serif. serif has connotations of stability and reliability. Sans serif has connotations of trustworthy which could be seen as the brand being affordable for everyone. They have made the number '18' a much bigger size from the rest of the catchphrase as it catches the eye which leads them to read on which tells them how much of a variety there is.

Wednesday 10th January 2023

do now

-The first impressions show that they are representing the brand by the type of clothing there wearing and the poses they are shown as doing.

-The lifestyle they lead is being shown as posh and wealthy.

-They are trying to portray that 

Historical advert set text

1) women are expected to to be a housewife and only for cleaning, used as objects.
2) men are doing all the jobs but cooking is left for the wives to do.
3) they are teaching the young girl young that she will be a housewife.
4) they are saying she belongs polishing shoes
5) showing the man is in charge of the woman even when they are married and happy
6) they both work but man works in business whereas women works at home as the housewife

These adverts are representing the roles in the 50s. the roles are shown that the men are working in business. They supposably had power over the women. women were at home like slaves being a housewife. This meaning cleaning the house and cooking. It was a male dominant society.

The quality street advert gives an example of how the 50s were like. The two women are shown be a choice to the man. He's wearing a suit giving connotations of a business man. It's centrally framed showing he's the main and the most important. 

1) he's in the centre to represent his importance
2) the suit showing hes a working man 
3) there both kissing the man giving that he has options
4) its in his lap to give the phallic symbol 

Friday 12th January 2023

-the man is the most dominant
-he is in the centre which gives him the most attention
-he's in a suit showing him to be a businessman

Historical advert set text
Gender is represented in the quality street advert by showing how the man's power over women. The man has purposely been placed in the centre as it brings the most attention to him. They have done this because not only is he being shown as more dominant but he is also in a suit. This meaning he must be a businessman and is fairly wealthy. Each side of him there is a women, this could be constructed to show them as an option and also them giving him attention, which in the 50s it was known that men had much more power over a women.

Gender is represented in the quality street advert by showing how the women are to be shown as options. Its easily noticeable by the way they are being shown to be trying to win the man over. They seem to not have any attention being paid to them as there just being used as housewives and this advert gives a good example on how the women are looked at.

Wednesday 17th January 2024 
Analysing adverts

connotation- an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
denotation- the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests

advert 1
- lights with technology as there a broadband company.
-guards connote there a safe protected company.
advert 2
- connote's making fun of men
-red velvet showing wealth
advert 3
-showing the product has history
-road car
advert 4 
-connotes the hulk
-not easily hurt showing there good

positive- interested, curious, inquisitive
negative- nosy 

positive- disabled, handicapped
negative- crippled, retarded

Friday 19th September 2024

rhetorical questiona question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer. 

repetitionthe action of repeating something that has already been said or written.

alliterationthe occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

emotive language-  specific word choices that are made in order to elicit an emotional response 

opinion as facts- Examples of opinions presented as facts
celeb endorsement-an intense collaboration between quite a few parties that all have their own agendas
hyperbole- statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
facts and statistics- facts are realities without arguments and false representation 
direct address- a construction in which a speaker or writer communicates a message directly to another individual or group of individuals. 
imperatives-  a verb or phrase in the imperative mood.
1- open a coke. open happiness
2- find your place
3- losing weight, saving money, performing better
4- the best four by four by far
5- this ad may change your life 
 this bike will probably make your child happy
Wednesday 24th January 2024
contemporary adverts
gender stereotypes
boys like blue
girls like pink
girls belong in the kitchen
men work for the family
-brand looks entertaining
-brand showing there's something for everyone
-its designed to look like fashion magazines
-media language has been used to illuminate the purpose of the women's action in the magazine
-gender is represented by the men wanting a sporty fast car to impress. women being shown to want fashionable car to look classy.
Friday 26th January 2024
contemporary advert
-more modern
-brand looking entertaining
-image of product
-main image
Creating Adverts

umbrella hat- you wont get wet
leash- kfc on the leash
-donald trump

Wednesday 31st January 2024
Women in advertising
LO- to evaluate how women are represented in a variety of adverts so that we can apply this to the set text for the exam. 
1- it shows that girls are more held back from trying new things as they dont want to be judged whereas the boys are more likely to not care what others think and to give anything a go.
2- watching sport shows that boys are much more interested in it but more girls find it not interesting. 
The Campaign
its a national campaign, it was launched in 2016, developed by sport england, funded by national lottery which means no intention of making money
-break down the primary barrier holding women back from sport, the fear of judgement.
-result is number o
this shows the stereotype of 'only boys play football' being spoke about and showing that women can have a passion for it too

this mantra shows the message that women can do anything they want and shouldnt be caught up into the stereotypes telling them they cant do something
Focussed on the muscles to show she's strong and to get the stereotypes
slim, athletic, strong
The difference between this poster to the others are that this poster is showing how the exercise makes her physically feel. In the other posters the women are shown to be slim, strong, muscley women giving people a stereotype of how you should look at the start, whereas this is how they'd look nearer the end. It could bring insecurities to women and make them feel like they shouldn't do what they like to do.
Friday 2nd February 2023
Advertising set text 2
This advert targets a wider range of women as its a video which can show multiple things.
sweat- stinks, hard-work, active
pig- dirty
fox- rare
Its links to the name as the stereotypes towards women are that 'girls dont sweat' 'girls dont exercise' but the mantra shows an argument towards it and that exercise makes everyone feel good and makes them feel good about themselves.
The font style is serif and its to connote to feminism.
Centre mid shot shows the body which shows the society that all different figures are able and participate in enjoyable things in life and not just the skinny, fit figures in high brand sport brands.
Being a normal women in her 30s show that everyone in the world can enjoy exercise in a variety of different ways no matter the age.
Hair scraped back with messy ponytail could mean but also show the hardwork she is putting in but she also looks happy while doing it.
Work-out and active wear could connotes the effort brought into the exercise and bothering to get ready for it
Eyes closed with a slight smile shows her enjoying herself while sweating and maybe struggling but continuing with her hard-work
both have centre shots
women are represented differently
Wednesday 7th February 2024
The intention of the 'This girl can' campaign is for a wide range of women who may be frightened to be themselves and do the things they want to do and this campaign is awareness for the people who may feel insecure or feel like they dont match the stereotype that big brands show and its to influence women to feel confident to make themselves feel good about themselves.
dominant ideology- the attitudes, beliefs, values and morals shared by the majority of people in a given society.
uk- posh, tea, fish and chips
cornwall- beaches, sunny, pasties
This is true as some certain sports are stereotypically 'only for men'. 
Friday 9th February 2024
C1 Section A PPE
Question 1- This Girl Can 
Explore how the print advert for this girl can uses media language to create meanings
a) text/written language
In the print advert for This Girl Can it uses media language to create meanings by the connotations used. This campaign has used the terminology of similes to emphasise there intentions of this advert. One way they do this is using the phrase 'Sweating like a pig' this explains the fact that even though the stereotypes towards women saying that women dont sweat, women dont exercise. It doesn't stop her. The whole idea of this campaign is to argue against all these statements. Zooming in to the word 'pig' , this connotes to dirty, stinks, unclean. They have done this to illuminate how frightened women are to get out and go do exercise as they dont want to feel humiliated. Overall, the meaning is to get awareness for the fact that women do sweat, women do exercise. This is because it makes themselves motivated and feel good about themselves in there body. The phrase used is a simile which further goes on with 'Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox' the meaning behind this is that she is sweating and being compared to a pig but then 'feeling like a fox' has a con notion from the word 'fox' this could be connoted to be very rare which is illuminating the enjoyment this is bringing out.
Another way this print advert has used media language to create meanings is using there logo in the advert. 'This Girl Can' is being used to get across that women shouldn't be made to feel judged or be scared to make themselves feel healthy. This is because all the big brands use images of slim, fit women. However, this is not the case, women feel the need to look a certain way to be able to exercise but not taken into consideration these women being used in the pictures are what they look like after training not from where they started.
b) visual codes (for example- images, lighting, dress)
This Girl Can campaign intends to get the message to everyone that women should be made to feel confident. The way they have done this is the way they positioned the subject in this advert. They have intentionally done this to show society not everyone is exactly how how big brands show to be. Everyone has a different figure and that does not and should not distract anyone from doing something that makes a person feel alive and active. Overall, the campaign's intention for this is that any shape, size should feel welcomed and not to feel judged.
Another way that the campaign creates a meaning and message is that while exercising there is no exact type of way you should look. The way they have done this is by the women in the advert has her hair scraped back into a messy ponytail. This connotes to the fact that she is putting in the hard work to look like this. She looks to be enjoying herself even tough she is sweating and her hair is messy and she is putting in lots of effort towards this.
A different way of creating a message is the fact that she has her eyes shut. Having her eyes shut with a smile on her face shows she's entertained even while she's sweating. This image is showing she's not bothered by anyone else, she is struggling but continuing her hard work. Why the campaign has done this is because women are frequently insecure with the judgement they receive from going against the stereotypes but no one really takes notice, they are there for themselves and at the same position you are in.
Wednesday 21st February 2024
C1 Section A PPE DIRT
PPE Q1a: 3/5
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - the first point needs you to compare the first simile to the second one

PPE Q1b:6/10
WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include any connotations and link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign


  1. Replies
    1. QS ADVERT:
      Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation but I think some are missing?

      Not done

      Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.

      PPE Q1a: 3/5
      WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
      EBI - the first point needs you to compare the first simile to the second one

      PPE Q1b:6/10
      WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
      EBI: make sure you include any connotations and link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign


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