Video games


Explain why audiences play video games. Refer to the uses and gratifications theory in your response.  [12]


  • Explain what the uses and gratifications theory is.
  • Entertainment – explain what pleasure audiences get from playing video games and give an example.
  • Personal Identity – explain how audiences might use video games to construct their own identity and give an example.
  • Social Interaction – explain how audiences can communicate with each other through video games and give an example.
  • Information – explain how audience could gain knowledge from playing video games and give an example.
In my opinion, the reason audiences play video games is that they are intrigued by what the game is about and it links with there interest. This is a good example for the uses and gratifications theory as the theory is told that it deals with the understanding of why people use certain types of media and what needs to be included for certain interests and the gratifications that are used to bring the audience playing these games to have a intrigued feeling to tap back onto the game, the desire and excitement to play the game. For example, the entertainment in the game is extremely important because this brings the type of audience a somewhat pleasure to play the game and to be good at it. The game Fortnite was and still is a extremely popular game and this is because the games gratifications targets a certain audience and its been thoroughly thought out with updates every few months for the pleasure to restart over again. With Fortnite also, there is ways to play with friends which brings lots of advantages as it's a way of somewhat socialising and communicating while being interested in the game. Audience can gain knowledge from playing video games as it targets the brains ability to be focused on the situation there in and it can enhance the abilities in the video games which overall means being stronger at the game and therefore having a high interest in it. The structure of the game is very important and needs to be thought through and assessed to meet the standards that there target audience is.
Tuesday 12th November 2024  


European consumers make informed decisions when buying video games or apps through the use of age recommendations and content descriptors.

PEGI ratings-
12- frequent scenes of mild violence
16- increasing realistic violence

The video game industry is regulated by the age ratings that are decided by PEGI. The game Fortnite is rated as 12 and it is mandatory for game ratings.

Fortnite is highly popular as one reason is that it has the ability to access the game from different consoles. 
convergence- merging of different medias
technological convergence- multiple media technologies are bought together into one computerised device
cross media convergence- same topic on different media platforms

star wars

synergy- two brands that help market each-other

Fortnite gets a wider crowd playing the game when having collaborations as the attention will be brought to Fortnite

Convergence benefits the Fortnite brand because the merge of different medias is very popular as it is a free game which has the ability to game on the same account through different devices which makes it more accessible to be played whenever. It is also advertised on multiple different social medias which brings a variety of audiences to see the advertisement and making it appeal to them which brings the audience on Fortnite to grow. Synergy benefits the Fortnite brand because the collaborations that are used allows Fortnite to have different people promote the game which the collab that has been used will bring another audience to see the game.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gracie - where are all your notes?

    There are so many missing - you need to go onto my blog and use the lessons to catch up.

    Brief but a good start.
    EBI: more details with specific examples from Fortnite

    Good - clear understanding and application of U&G
    EBI: Make sure you include specific examples from Fortnite

    Not completed


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